Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation 2024
We started out as total strangers, and by the end of the week, it was a family!
The truly magical aspect of this project is how it brings us together as a family. The connections formed with people I’ve met at previous school builds are unique, creating a lasting bond and a special smile shared with those who have experienced the same joy and memorable moments.
Photos are divided into groups. The building, the families and the portfolio.

Meet the Team
~ Donate at HHJF ~
~ Donate at HHJF ~ https://helpinghandsjamaica.com
~ Thank you the itFactor team - Natasha Borota, Patricia Eady, Samantha Berthiaume ~
~ Thank you the itFactor team - Natasha Borota, Patricia Eady, Samantha Berthiaume ~ http://www.itfactor.biz

Blog Post Title Two
It all begins with an idea.