Scotland 2023

I’ve had several friends and relatives who hailed from Scotland.  Even my wife Donna recently discovered that she has 25% Scottish heritage.

To a person anyone who spent time there has implored me to visit.  Scotland has some of the most incredible scenery, history, and everything I would look for in a destination. We planned this trip for almost two years.  I knew more than three weeks would be needed to see everything on the list. We knew we would have to miss some things – our travel motto is, “We can’t do any one place justice in three weeks; we intend to do the whole country an injustice.”

As a bonus – the two people we would be visiting would host us AND BETTER YET, drive the whole way — no white knuckles from clutching the steering too tightly. You were terrific, and a massive debt of gratitude to our two hosts – Ed Farquharson and Rob Reid.

If the flight was any indication, this would be an extraordinary trip. We had a fantastic sunset in Toronto, a tremendous first-class flight (first ever), and a magnificent sunrise over Scotland.


Our fight landed in Glasgow, and we were out of the airport in no time, but it was still 6:30 AM.  Our hotel wouldn’t accept our luggage before 3:00. Fortunately, our host and guide, Robert Reid, lived across the street from the hotel. We went to his condo and had a light lunch.  Then, we were off to our very first important stop. A fabric store. This makes Donna happy and buys me brownie points for all the photo stops she must endure.


Sterling  & Doune Castle 

Ed Farquharson, a long-time friend and proprietor of Ed's B&B, drove from Cullen to pick us up in Edinburgh. He would be our companion, chauffeur, guide, chef, entertainer, and all-around good guy for the next two weeks. As a bonus, we would get to meet the lovely Freda Simpson.

Cullen & Area

The images below are in Ed's B&B featuring Ed and Freda.  Also featured are Ed's four legged children, Gemma and Shelby.

For the next two weeks, Ed's B&B would be our base. We would do single and multi-day road trips and return to base. AT home base, Ed would show off his cooking talents. AND WHAT A SHOW THAT WAS! 

