Ordinary People: Extraordinary Lives

Everyone has a story. A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes one needs words and an image. ‘Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives,” does just that.

I’ve combined a portrait with asking people four thought-provoking questions about themselves. The thirty-eight essence portraits - each describes challenges overcome, forks in the road and gems. Nearly three thousand years worth of life experience in the book. The portrait and their answers are a compelling read about life, its challenges and each individual’s journey. At the end of each chapter, each person makes one final observation learned from their journey.



“I first met Naguib at the monthly NHL Hockey Alumni luncheons and we quickly became good friends.  He is so accomplished in so many areas but is never one to draw attention to himself.  Naguib always puts others first, as evidenced by his latest literary project about the lives and achievements of so-called ordinary Canadians.  As a published writer and freelance editor, I can attest to the stellar quality of both the photography and writing in this innovative project.  We need more people like Naguib in this world, and more books like this one celebrating the lives of the people who form the everyday fabric of our beloved Canada.”     


To reach into a person’s heart and touch their soul, through the written word, and a camera lens that only sees the heart is the true ‘essence’ of Naguib’s life work.

Ask anyone who knows him and they will testify - Naguib Kerba is GUILTY of making the world a significantly better place, daily.”


I met Naguib Kerba about 20 years ago at our mutual think tank composed of advisors, therapists and coaches.  Even in this group of exceptional individuals, Naguib was an immediate standout.  His intelligence and insight on so many topics was evident.  But even more delightful was how he pairs this intellect with one of the biggest hearts I've ever known.  Empathy and caring must be on top of his daily "to-do" list as they are always present.  He has become a mentor, peer, and dear friend.  I am certain you will be delighted by his latest project.” 


“Naguib has been an important part of my life forever. Being his youngest first cousin, I was mostly ignored but allowed to tag along as long as I kept quiet (I didn't). My earliest memories of him involve food and cameras. His love of photography is only surpassed by his love of people, people from all walks of life. He's interested in what makes them who they are. This is reflected in the photographs he takes of them. You can see their soul, what makes them unique -all without words. After a few minutes of conversation with them, out comes their special spark. That's when he starts taking pictures. Oh, what incredible pictures they are. You will see for yourself as you peruse this beautiful book. Do stop by my page and visit; any friend of my cousin is a friend of mine.”


“I have only known Naquib for a short period but my relationship with him has grown as if we were schoolyard buddies. He is such a passionate person who relays this through his professional photography, amongst other wonderful traits. In addition, he has assisted me with our sports charity, through his photography, which captured the essence of what we do completely. “


“I have known Naguib since 1985. I am proud to call him my friend, my soul mate, an honest man who I would trust with my life. His passion for people and beauty in this world is a true reflection of this book. He is a humble man with a big heart and smile and an outrageous sense of humour. You are always my sunshine of life!

He has taken the time to ask the question of “who you are” and listened and shared. Outstandingly gift!

Essence-it is not every day in this busy world that you are asked to stop and reflect on yourself. Most of us do not think we are anything special. Humble Canadians Eh! 

Reading his book, I have learned more about the insides of people who I have worked with, shared volunteer work or were friends. Thank you for this gift! “