The Essence of Myrwood

Stubborn ~ Listener ~ Caring ~ Loving ~ Friend ~ Loyal

I could always make my friends do my bidding when I have a camera in hand. Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, St. Augustine, Florida.

Forty years ago, Donna and I needed to redo our front entrance stairs.  I was looking at all the various options available.  One of our neighbours was going to get an estimate for a precast concrete setup.  They told me when the rep was coming and that I should keep an eye open if I wanted a quick quote. He did show up as expected. It was a beautifully sunny midweek morning.  As a result, I was working the evening shift in the Sears carpet department and didn’t have to leave for work until just after noon. I approached him, and he said that he would come across the street and have a look after he measured the other property.

True to his word, he came over, and during our conversation, he asked why I was at home mid-morning and not at work.  I told him I worked at Sears and had the evening shift. He chuckled, then told me his wife worked at Sears, too.  At the time, Sears was enjoying its heyday, and while I’m not sure of the exact number, there may have been 40,000 people working there. I asked him where she worked. He said in the carpet installation department in Rexdale. Imagine his surprise when I guessed his wife’s name.  I worked in the carpet department selling installed broadloom at the time.  I would go to the installation department to hide and was buddies with all the ladies there.  One of my good friends was Carol, Myrwood's wife.
I liked Myrwood, and when the opportunity came to hire a new salesperson for the carpet department at Sears, his name came to mind, and I reached out to Carol. Would her husband consider applying for the job? He did, and thus began a beautiful friendship of forty years.  Since then, Myrwood has indeed played a significant role in my life. We’ve travelled together far and wide. We broke bread many times. 

Meet Myrwood Scott – he’s been a fantastic friend there through thick and thin. He’s one of the few people I can trust with my life!  We’ve gone sailing together and travelled extensively on baseball and cottage trips. He was my go-to guy when we registered the cottage and the project manager for the office renovation. Very few people can take a vision of mine and convert it into a new reality. Myrwood has done that for me and my ideas. His wife Cynthia has also become a great friend of Donna and I.  She is worthy of her own story as well.

Myrwood was responsible for introducing me to Ed Tower, which led me to change careers to financial planning in 1992. The single biggest career move in my life.

1) At some time, you reached a fork in the road. At that time, it didn’t feel like it, but looking back, you realize that was a big moment. One that changed your life. Describe yours.

I believe the fork in my road was when I first met you in front of your home in Mississauga in the mid-eighties. You eventually suggested that I apply for a job at Sears floor fashions. I had been at my job selling concrete products for years and didn’t believe that I could do anything else. Applying and going through the process of getting hired was a new beginning. Being successful gave me new confidence in my skills and myself that I could be successful no matter what came my way.

Myrwood and Cynthia

Myrwood and his better half, Cynthia!

2) What has been your biggest challenge, and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge is to be a good parent to David and Heather. I’m still working on this as the target is moving as we get older, and it is a work in progress.

3) What one gem that you learned on your journey that you would love to share?

Value the friendships that you have established throughout your journey. They are valuable, and that’s a two-way street.


The Essence of Graham