The Essence of Imran

Curious ~ Loyal ~ Fearless ~ Meticulous ~ Relentless ~ Grateful

I didn’t know Imran personally until a couple of years ago.  Before that, I heard of him through friends and community members. I heard it said that he was a pretty community-minded person. We got to meet and connect about two years ago.  We connected on many levels, especially the story of coming to Canada. The search for a better life for one’s family is as old as time. The Hasan family could have chosen anywhere in the world - but Canada provided the best opportunity.

Imran Hasan's story is fascinating, showcasing what makes Canada a great country. It's about recognizing opportunities, seizing the moment, and having the courage to put your heart and soul into something.

When asked about the fork in the road, it was an easy answer when he made a decision that changed his life.

1) Imran faced a decision after high school - whether to go to university or work in the family business. Ultimately, he chose to work in the family business. TSOC recently celebrated forty years of operation. His brother Norm Hasan is also an integral part of the company and has an office next to Imran’s. Here is a recent article about that forty-year milestone -

The story is a testament to his father, M.H.Barni, as well. His father suggested that he visit his Aunt and Uncle, with no pressure, but take the time to decide to enter the family business. This leg of Imran's journey was dubbed “The Boats and Planes, trains, buses trip” because he used all the modes of transportation to reach his destinations. His aunt lived in Birmingham, England, and his uncle in Frankfurt, Germany. Along the way, almost at his uncle’s, he encountered a man running the famous “Shell game.” Though he had it figured out, he couldn't resist participating. However, he quickly discovered that he didn’t have it figured out. His disposition turned sour, and he ended up losing money. When he reached his uncle's office, he shared his experience, and his uncle made him go back and confront the person running the game. This time, he was accompanied by a large and very intimidating worker from the company, and he managed to get his money back. This incident taught Imran valuable lessons about what he wanted out of life and the importance of family.

2) What challenged you and how did you overcome it?

Youth and position in company was challenging. Imran recalled a visit to China to one of their long time suppliers. He was at the airport, the host representatives couldn’t believe that the young man in front of them was the only one representing his company at the meeting. It took a while, but he overcame that hurdle.

Imran's six-word description includes words like curious, loyal, fearless, meticulous, relentless, and grateful. He is also pragmatic and believes in the power of collaboration and surrounding oneself with great people, especially those who possess skills that one may lack. Imran emphasizes the importance of family and community, and he exemplifies this through initiatives he supports like "Boots on the Ground," a mental health support line for first responders. He believes that first responders are a collective representation of the best in us and that they deserve support.

The car photos below are from the First Responders Classic car event in 2023

3) What Nugget would he share-

Imran's journey is about finding purpose and mission; he has found it by working in the family business. He believes in progress and balance, and he values the power of teamwork and collaboration. Imran's story is a testament to the idea that we are better together and that surrounding oneself with the right people can lead to success.

You can check out his website to know what he is about. Imran

One of his favourite causes is first responders - we both think they are the best of us. There is a significant need for them to have support; Boots on the Ground has a mandate to support first responders:

The photos below are from various events in which we have crossed paths. I'm sorry for not naming names.


The Essence of Michelle


The Essence of Diane